Monthly Archives: October 2015

PVBLIC Joins First Lady in Making Room for Young Generations Furthering Their Education

PVBLIC Honored to Partner and Be in Attendance at the White House Launch of the #BetterMakeRoom Campaign

NEW YORK, NY, Oct 20, 2015 – On October 19th, First Lady Michelle Obama formally launched the “Better Make Room” campaign in support of her Reach Higher program, which encourages expansion of educational opportunities for youth across the country.

The “Better Make Room” initiative is a public awareness campaign that aims to target Generation Z (youth aged 14-19) and encourages them to continue their education beyond high school. The campaign will leverage traditional and digital media platforms to share students’ stories and achievements, honoring them in a way similar to prominent celebrities or athletes. The initiative seeks to recognize the hard work of students and provide the tools and resources to motivate them to continue their academic pursuits.

PVBLIC Foundation, a media outreach partner for the campaign, is helping promote Better Make Room by creating partnerships with Lamar Outdoor and Adams Outdoor for digital billboards and with Conversant for online display advertising nationwide.

PVBLIC Foundation’s Founding Executive Director, Rachel Cohen Gerrol, was in attendance at the official White House launch on Monday morning. Gerrol expressed her excitement for the initiative, stating, “PVBLIC is excited to be partnering with the White House on this initiative. As an organization, we recognize the influential role of media and the power it has to drive social change. The media plays an influential role in shaping young people’s opinions and it’s important that we are sending them positive messages as they are our future.”

For more information about the “Better Make Room” campaign and to view the stories being shared visit

About PVBLIC Foundation:

PVBLIC Foundation is an in-kind grant making organization that harnesses the power of media assets to drive social change. Through partnerships with leading media companies, PVBLIC works strategically to pair media assets with key non-profits. We utilize existing and emerging technologies to increase issue awareness around important causes and to help non-profits amplify their message. @PVBLICF or visit

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VGTel Interim CEO Amilya Antonetti Releases Letter to Shareholders

Letter Includes Updates on Company Status, Interim Management Activities, Compliance, Financial Audit, and Future Growth Plans

NEW YORK, NY, Oct 15, 2015 – VGTel, Inc. (OTC PINK: VGTL), a diversified entertainment company currently in the business of developing, financing, producing, and distributing Ultra High Definition (UHD) films and other next-generation entertainment content, today announced the release of its first Letter to Shareholders from Interim CEO Amilya Antonetti. The letter provides updates on current business activities as well as insight into Management’s objectives and expectations for the remainder of 2015.

Fellow Shareholders,

Since the start of our interim engagement with VGTel, we’ve made significant progress in assessing the current state of the Company as well as its obligations, challenges, and opportunities. It is my intention that this letter provides updates as well as answers to common questions and our take on the Company’s future growth potential.

The interim management team has invested significant time, energy, and effort to get the Company’s basic operations and financial information up to date, assess its current status, gauge its potential future viability, and ultimately, to develop and deploy a strategy for turning the company around.

Despite significant remaining, ongoing challenges, I’m happy to report that, in consultation with the Board of Directors, we are moving forward with efforts to bring VGTel back into regulatory compliance as a fully reporting company. To this end, we have engaged prominent accounting firm Malone & Bailey to perform the Company’s annual financial audit, which is expected to be finalized before the end of October, along with the Company’s Form 10Q filing for the first quarter of 2015 to follow shortly thereafter. We also plan to submit any remaining outstanding filings soon thereafter in order to bring the Company current with SEC reporting requirements.

Regarding the state of the Company’s finances, including fundraising and liabilities, we have been communicating with its creditors (primarily note holders and vendors) in an effort to renegotiate debts, extend deadlines, and stave off possible legal action in order to give us the breathing room needed to restart the company. As part of this process, we are exploring avenues (including private sources) for raising capital on terms more favorable to the Company, and to foster an environment more attractive to future investors while rewarding the loyalty of those shareholders who have remained with us.

Meanwhile, Interim President Mr. Toussaint and I have been working closely with the Board to craft a vision for the future of VGTel, and the correct strategy to achieve it. As we perform our due diligence, we are actively evaluating the market landscape, identifying potential opportunities and partners, and sketching out a solid business model. This work, along with the invaluable feedback and insight of industry experts, is getting us closer to presenting a clear, viable, and achievable work-out path for VGTel. I look forward to sharing this vision with you in the coming weeks.

Finally, I would like to personally thank everyone who has reached out to us through social media, email, and various other channels to inquire about the Company’s status or future plans. As a public company CEO, I must remind you that we are prohibited from answering these questions individually; instead, I ask that you look exclusively to our official press releases and regulatory filings for updates, or contact our Investor Relations firm (details below) with questions regarding the specifics of your investment in VGTel. I am committed to this being the first of many timely, informative news releases, and expect to issue our next update once the audit is complete.


Sincerely Yours,

Amilya Antonetti, Interim CEO
VGTel, Inc.

About VGTel
VGTel, Inc. is a diversified entertainment company currently in the business of developing, financing, producing, and distributing Ultra High Definition (UHD) films and other next-generation entertainment content. The Company delivers state of the art solutions for producers, post-production professionals, distributors (online and off), and consumers. For additional information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including statements regarding the outlook of the Company’s business and results of operations. By nature, these risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated. Generally speaking, any statements using terms such as “will,” “expect,” “anticipate,” or “may,” or which otherwise predict or address future results or events, are likely to contain forward-looking statements. It is important to note that actual results may differ materially from what is indicated in any forward-looking statement. Readers should consider any forward-looking statements in light of factors that could cause actual results to vary. These factors are described in the Company’s filings with the SEC, and readers should refer to those filings, including Risk Factors described in those filings, in connection with any forward-looking statements. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

*News and Content Distribution by

8 Common Mistakes Small Businesses Make and How to Avoid Them

The odds are stacked against new businesses. According to recent figures published by the SBA, half of new businesses will be forced to shut their doors within five years, and two-thirds of them will close within a decade.

While there are numerous factors at play that small business owners don’t necessarily have much control over, they do have control of how they manage their operations. There are eight common managerial problems that and most importantly, tips on how to avoid making them:

Mistake #1: Thinking success will come overnight

Great cities and structures, and even successful companies, were not built overnight; they all required hard work, perseverance, or as Churchill famously said, “blood, sweat and tears.” While an entrepreneur might have a great vision and quality products consumers want, there can’t be an expectation of a huge payday immediately upon launching a business–it is a slow and steady build.

Instead, be realistic and set a timeline that measures small attainable goals and successes. Focus and commitment, executed on an enduring level, will ultimately deliver success.

Mistake #2: Focusing on too many different things at once

Small business owners obviously have a lot on their plates. Generally speaking, they depend upon themselves—and those they employ—for their living. Consequently, it’s not uncommon for new businesses to overextend themselves in an attempt to get slices from as many markets as possible. More products, more profits, right?

Focusing on too many different products or services can derail a business, draining significant manpower and resources along the way. What’s more, it could result in taking the strongest products for granted, something that can cause regret later on as competitors take note.

To avoid this problem, direct the majority of focus on core competencies—as counter intuitive as it might seem to a business that wishes to grow. Set some time aside to plan for the future, but don’t branch out or diversify too quickly. Maintaining an enduring, laser focus is critical.

Mistake #3: Refusing to delegate tasks

Similarly, many small business owners feel the need to take care of everything themselves. But just because Elon Musk claims to work 100-hour weeks doesn’t mean all entrepreneurs need to do the same. And know this: he has great teams in place to help advance his vision.

Remember, there’s a reason why companies hire employees: they have a job to do. So don’t be afraid to delegate appropriate tasks to appropriate people. Otherwise, there is a risk of becoming unable to direct the proper level of attention on the task at hand, rendering a business incapable of reaching its full potential.

For those running a one-man operation, remember that it’s okay to say no from time to time. It’s better to do extremely well at a few things, than deliver mediocrity on a lot of things.

Mistake #4: Hiring the wrong kind of people

It’s nearly impossible to have a flawless track record when it comes to hiring, so it’s inevitable that at least some of the people you hire simply won’t work out. Having the right people in place is critical for the success of any company, and it’s even more critical for small businesses, Conversely, hiring the wrong person for a business can be just as important and can set your company up for failure.

In order to increase the chances of retaining the best talent, be aware of ‘The Halo Effect’: a common pitfall wherein a hiring manager lets a few traits he or she likes about a candidate create a false halo that prevents them from assessing if the candidate is best for the job or simply acing the interview process.

Whenever possible, try to involve multiple people during the hiring process in order to gain a variety of perspectives on job candidates. Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask tough questions during interviews. Not only should an entrepreneur have to listen to a recap of a candidate’s recent, hopefully relevant work, but understand how this person works, how he or she may handle adversity, overcome challenges, and add true value to the company.

Mistake #5: Failing to define the market and know the customers

An entrepreneur might think a particular product or service is the best idea—and maybe it is. But without knowing the target audience and which other companies are also focusing on them, it will be significantly harder to sell the idea. If a business’s market isn’t clearly defined, it is nearly impossible to hone in on how to best position the product or service in a way that is compelling.

Comprehensive market research is imperative in identifying robust customer personas prior to launching a business. By knowing whom to target and how to effectively communicate with them, a business will be strongly poised to successfully thrive and grow.

Mistake #6: Misunderstanding the importance of having cash

Today’s businesses need access to capital in order to remain nimble and better compete in today’s fast moving markets. Without growth capital, companies are unable to respond to new opportunities, pay their own bills, and otherwise grow their business.

Unfortunately, many new small business owners underestimate the importance of maintaining positive cash flow. This lack of proper planning and forecasting leaves them with their hands tied when they first realize their predicament.

To avoid dealing with cash flow problems, consider starting regular cash flow forecasting and statement preparation—all it requires is a little bit of time. Beyond that, you can make sure to promptly invoice clients and offer them discounts when they pay their bills early, or use an invoice-cleaning service that advances payments on outstanding invoices. Additionally, reexamine how much inventory is being held at any given time; and/or minimize capital expenditures, among other things.

Mistake #7: Lacking a clear vision

How will staff be able to follow its leader if they’re not sure where the executive is trying to go?

With a clear-cut vision for a business, it’s much easier to meet goals. A vision allows all team members to remain on the same page, working together toward the same objectives. When small business owners have an idea of where they want their companies to wind up one year, two years, five years out, it becomes that much easier to end up there.

If you don’t have a crystal clear vision for your business, it might be time to stop thinking so much about strategy (i.e., how to reach your goals) and really pinpoint what the organization will accomplish, and by when. Once the vision is defined, it’ll be easier to rally the team.

Mistake #8: Minimizing the importance of work-life balance

If staff members are unhealthy, they won’t be able to produce—it’s as simple as that. While small business owners might be tempted to work around the clock and encourage their employees to do the same, studies have repeatedly shown that healthier employees are more productive than their tired, overworked counterparts.

Many of today’s workers want to be able to balance their professional lives with their personal ones. Thanks to the Internet, cloud computing, and mobile devices, work-life balance is easier to achieve than ever before—so long as businesses are on board.

Small business owners need to be cognizant of the fact that today’s top talent is often allured by flexible working arrangements. So long as they do their jobs well, does it really matter where or when they work? By simply offering your employees the ability to work flexibly—i.e., work from home, on the road or in the office, whichever they prefer—you’re likely to see your employee retention statistics improve, making your company that much stronger.

If a business isn’t conducive to flexible working arrangements (e.g., a retail shop), consider giving employees the option to work four 10-hour days instead of five 8-hour days, for example. Better yet, ask employees directly what would help them improve their work-life balance and work with them to make it happen.

Recognizing these common mistakes and understanding how to avoid them is critical for small business owners. It is often hard for entrepreneurs to take a step back and evaluate past decisions that may not be working properly; however, it is crucial for the success of a business to understand that these managerial problems can have an enormous impact on the health of the business.

By: Eyal Shinar

Importance of Press Release

Increasing real-time communication options have opened new doors for business communications and breathed life into some old standbys. One of these is the familiar press release, first used in the U.S. in 1955 by the author and journalist James Reston. Done correctly, press releases are as important for getting information about your business to the public today as they were in 1955.

Significant Public Relations Tool

A press release is a free public relations tool, which is especially beneficial for a startup or growing small business. Each press release publicizes important or useful information about an upcoming event or one that has occurred. While a grand opening, special event or new product launch are all good reasons for issuing a release, press releases also alert the public to product recalls while providing important consumer information and working to mitigate an internal crisis. For example, a press release might tell the public about an information security breach, explain what happened and outline the steps being taken to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Cost-Effective and Easily Distinguishable

Anyone can write and submit a press release — free-of-charge — to multiple media outlets. Although traditional options include newspapers, radio and television stations, online options are becoming increasingly common. A standard newspaper format makes it easy for the public to distinguish between a press release and an advertisement. For example, a headline, clear, concise wording and a fact-based presentation of the information makes a press release clear and easy to read.

What Press Releases Don’t Include

The importance of a press release lies as much in what it doesn’t include as in what it does include. Because press releases typically don’t — and shouldn’t — include advertisements, the public often views the information in a press release as credible. De-emphasizing emotions and avoiding strongly worded expressions also enhance credibility. This is particularly important when a press release contains negative information about your business, employees or the products your business sells.

Press Releases Today

Increasingly, heavy emphasis on social media as a public relations and marketing tool is giving press releases alternative publishing options. Where businesses once had to depend solely on — and get past — journalists acting as editors and information gatekeepers, online self-publishing is now a viable option. Posting a press release on your business website and promoting it through social media or an online press release distribution service allows you to directly communicate information to a mass audience and to target specific groups. For example, incorporating keywords and using search engine optimization tools can significantly increase the likelihood your press release will appear in search-engine results.

By: Jackie Lohrey

5 Do’s and Don’t’s for Media Interview

As a startup, most companies understand the need for Public Relations (PR), but not everyone understands how it works. PR is the way your start-up communicates with the public and media. A PR professional communicates with the target audience directly or indirectly through media with an aim to create and sustain a positive and effective image and create a strong relationship with the audience.

People think that the media is under the control of the PR person, which is not so. The first step of effective PR is to be able to understand that the media functions on a mind of their own. Their choices are final and the story angle depends on them. Therefore, its paramount that you make a lasting first impression.

For a startup that has never directly interacted with media that can be challenging. You might have several questions in your mind like: What kind of questions will they ask, how do I respond to their queries in a satisfactory manner, should I reveal my financials.

So, here is a quick guide for startups to help them have a successful interaction with the media.


1) While speaking to the media, weave a story about what is it that you do and how will it prove to be vital in the existing landscape. Such stories tend to stay for long with the listeners.

2) Talk to them about how the startup idea was born and how you have progressed. Include bits about the founders and share anecdotes. This will make for a great narrative.

3) Be empathetic to the media. Their growth depends on good stories. They are not compelled to do your story.

4) Make a compelling case to write the story. Like Rags to riches is always a good tale and the media love it. Make it worth the journalists time who have tight deadlines and are always hard pressed for time.

5) Believe in what you say. Conviction can be sensed by media and they are thrilled to speak to passionate startups.


1) Be condescending or make remarks like when will you publish this story (or) does this make sense to you.

2) Make your narrative about yourself. Unless the story has been pitched to profile you. The focal point of the interview should be your startup and nothing else. The sum of the parts is always greater and it makes for a compelling story.

3) Assume that the PR person controls the outcome of the story. If the story is positive or negative, it is under the discretion of the media and the information shared as well as available to them.

4) Rush through your interaction or show the media you are hurried/pressed for time. Media hate people who are unwilling to spend time with them. Try to give concise answers with clarity and don’t beat around the bush.

5) Say anything off the record. Nothing is ever off the record and you can be held for what you say. If it is confidential, keep it to yourself.

Best practices

1) Rehearse what you want to say and make sure you have your talking points in front of you. However, don’t share the document with the media.

2) Stay courteous, stay smart, stay effective.

3) Engage the media through every step of the conversation. Make it a dialogue to keep it interesting. Don’t try to force your views on the media.

4) Be comfortable in your own skin. Don’t pretend to be someone you think might please the media.

5) Enjoy the interaction regardless of the outcome. Each experience is a learning. Moreover, such interactions will help you in building your network which can prove to be useful in the future.

By: BuzzNitro

How To Create A Successful PR Campaign For Your Business

Most business owners understand the importance of marketing. However, they often assume that their company’s marketing strategy begins and ends with advertising. Many companies completely neglect their public relations (PR) campaigns. You should differentiate yourself from your competitors by executing a successful PR campaign to promote your business.

Why You Need to Focus on PR

Public relations is the process of presenting information about your company as news. You will craft news stories about your company and submit them to well-known publishers. It is a great way to educate your customers about your company, its mission and the leaders behind it.

The average customer sees about 5,000 advertisements every day. Consumers filter many of these advertisements out. They also tend to be skeptical, because they don’t know much about the company behind them. The weaknesses of advertising are the two biggest reasons that PR is so important:

  • People are more likely to listen to non-promotional messages from publishers that they trust.
  • Your news stories help customers learn more about your business, which enhances your brand and encourages them to purchase your products and services.

You will want to make sure that you create a well-thought-out PR campaign that fosters these goals.

Most companies that use PR have found that it was a more effective way to influence customers than traditional advertising. This is especially true with B2B companies. A recent study from the Content Marketing Institute found that 84% of business decision makers prefer to receive information about companies they plan to work with through press releases and other articles than advertisements.

Elements of a Successful PR Campaign

Public relations is an essential component of your company’s marketing campaign. However, it will be implemented differently. Here are some important tips that you will need to follow to create a successful PR campaign.

Build Message Around Your Mission Statement

Your PR campaign needs to support your company’s brand image. The best way to consistently promote your brand image is to review your company’s mission statement. You may need to revise your mission statement over time, but it should always reflect the values and philosophy that you feel is important.

Establish Your Goals

You will need to decide what your primary goals will be for your PR campaign. Your objectives may include one or more of the following:

  • Educating customer’s about your company’s mission
  • Building your relationship with the community
  • Attracting new customers
  • Improving your company’s reputation

You will want to make sure that your goals are clearly laid out before you begin your campaign. You will also want to create a system to objectively measure the impact your campaign is having.

Frame Your Message Towards Your Audience

You will need to make sure that your message is tailored to your audience. Different demographics respond to different stimuli, so you will need to keep that in mind when creating a call-to-action. You will also need to make sure that your message is submitted to publishers that cater to your target audience.

Remember that a demographic’s views can change over time. The messages that your business used to reach 20-30 year old consumers in 1990 may no longer be effective. You will need to constantly evaluate your messages and make sure that they fit your target audience.

Emphasize Your Strengths

Why makes your business better than your competitors? You need to answer this question every time that you market your business. Your PR campaign needs to emphasize the strengths of your business to stand out from the competition.

You need to be confident in your claims if you expect them to sound genuine. However, you also need to make sure that you aren’t make unrealistic statements about your company. Far too many businesses fail to be objective when they discuss their strengths. Steve Cody of Peppercomm has said that many of his clients make unsubstantiated claims that their business has changed the marketplace. Cody said that these businesses haven’t been open long enough to make such a difference.

Stick to making objective arguments about the quality of your business. Here are some things that you can include in your PR campaign to gain credibility with your customers:

  • Awards from other organizations
  • Testimonials from satisfied customers
  • Unbiased studies emphasizing the quality of your product

Focusing on solid evidence about your company is much effective than bragging.

PR Should Be Newsworthy

Leading publications are looking for stories that are timely and interesting to their readers. You need to make sure that all of your PR stories fit this theme. Here are some things that you will want to consider:

  • You introduced a new product or service.
  • Your company just participated in a new study.
  • You launched a new website.
  • You want to respond to a current event.

Customers have learned to filter out advertisements, but they are still engaged by captivating news stories. Make sure that your PR campaign utilizes them effectively to connect with your customers.

Create a Personalized Outreach Campaign

You will need to submit your story to leading journalists that can get your message in front of your target audience. Keep in mind that these people are serious professionals that want to protect their own reputations. They are not likely to respond to a template email that was mass-mailed to dozens of other publishers.

You will want to carefully tailor your pitches to every journalist. Make sure that your pitch describes how the study would be interesting to their readers.

By: Kalen Smith

MD&M Philadelphia Welcomes HealthTech Talk Live Radio Show, Broadcasting from Expo & Conference This Week

Premier Medtech & Advanced Manufacturing Events Partner with National iHeartRadio Show to Produce Exclusive Interviews with Health Tech Innovators

SANTA MONICA, CAL, Oct. 5, 2015 — UBM Canon today announces a strategic partnership with HealthTech Talk Live, a weekly radio show broadcasted nationwide on iHeart Business Talk Radio, and welcomes the program to its Medical Device & Manufacturing (MD&M) Philadelphia event this week. Live on location from MD&M Philadelphia, the four-state region’s largest medtech event, HealthTech Talk Live will interview some of the most high-profile, innovative industry leaders presenting at the conference. For more information about HealthTech Talk Live, visit To register for MD&M Philadelphia, October 7-8 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, visit

Serving a broad community of medtech professionals, MD&M Philadelphia delves into the latest challenges and opportunities that are impacting the industry. A multi-track conference program explores design innovations, 3D printing, new materials, packaging design and more. As the hallmark brand of six co-located events, MD&M Philadelphia shares a robust Expo with additional events across the advanced manufacturing industry.

HealthTech Talk Live, dedicated to bringing the latest trends in digital health technology to the forefront, will produce segments from the event, extending the forward-thinking ideas and practical insight presented at MD&M Philadelphia’s conference to a national audience. Jill Schiaparelli and crew will be on the Expo floor interviewing some of the greatest minds and key players in medtech. Confirmed guests include:

Guest Speaker to be interviewed

Business Development Director


Vice President of Technology, Co-Founder


Vice President of Business Solutions


Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering

Stanford University

Director of Client Solutions



Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia

Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

Hospitals of the University of Pennsylvania

Director of Business Development




Assistant Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering

Drexel University


Design Science

General Manager – Human Factors Engineering

UL-Wiklund R&D

Director of Human Factors

Eli Lilly & Company

Senior Engineering Fellow

Cordis Corp, Johnson & Johnson

Director of Surgeon Relations

Direct Flow Medical

Vice President, R&D

Secant Medical


Czuba Enterprises


Vascular Sciences

Technical Director

Secant Medical

Senior Research Scientist

Abbott Vascular

Global Business Development Manager – Styrenic Polymers

Chevron Philips Chemical Company

Market Development Manager




Associate Professor, Department of Biologial Engineering

Pennsylvania State University

“Conferences like UBM Canon’s MD&M are incredibly important for the industry, and we are honored to be a part of the social impact of opening up about medical and biotech breakthroughs. We’re excited to share insight around the emerging technologies of medical devices with the world,” stated iHeart Radio’s HealthTechTalk Live Host Jill Schiaparelli.

Segments from MD&M Philadelphia will air over the weeks following the event. HealthTech Talk Live broadcasts weekly on iHeart Business Talk Radio nationwide from 640 WGST AM Atlanta, 3:00pm4:00pm every Saturday. To tune in, visit You may also visit to see video archives.

Beyond the featured guests on HealthTech Talk Live, more than 35 industry experts will share their insights at the conference, with key speakers from top companies, such as Abbot Vascular, Secant Medical, Fanuc, Caterpillar, Kraft, MC10, UL, Chevron Phillips, General Mills, and many others.

For more information about UBM Canon’s six co-located events in Philadelphia and to register, please visit:

About UBM Canon
UBM Canon is the leading B-to-B event producer, publisher, and digital media company for the world’s $3 trillion advanced, technology-based manufacturing industry. Our print and electronic products deliver trusted information to the advanced manufacturing market and leverage our proprietary 1.3 million name database to connect suppliers with buyers and purchase influencers. We produce more than 50 events and conferences in a dozen countries, connecting manufacturing professionals from around the globe.  UBM Canon is part of UBM plc (UBM.L), a global provider of media and information services for professional B-to-B communities and markets.

About The HealthTech Talk Live Radio Show:
The HealthTech Talk Live Show broadcasts live weekly on iHeart Radio / Clear Channel nationwide from 640 WGST AM Atlanta, 3:00pm – 4:00pm every Saturday. Host Jill Schiaparelli interviews the front-page emerging Health Tech innovators and Titans about the latest in digital health technology, human ingenuity, bio-tech medical advancements and health tech capital market trends. Learn how the experts use risk management techniques and clinical trials to build fully diversified portfolios and what it takes to put up big board earnings from making people healthier. It’s a fast moving, high-energy show… shift your thinking and join us as we deliver “tomorrow’s ideas today” on iHeart Radio and Clear Channel’s HealthTech Talk Live.

Cloudious9® Launches First Vaporizer With Integrated Water-Filtration System Hydra9

Silicon Valley Tech Think-Tank Cloudious9® Reinvents the Vaporizer – New Product Expected to Change the Industry

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, Oct 6, 2015 Cloudious9®, a next generation developer and manufacturer of vaporizer products announced today the upcoming Hydra 9, the world’s first consumer vaporizer product with a built-in water filtration system. With an aluminum alloy cylinder frame and borosilicate glass, the Hydra 9 is not only functional and durable but is designed to fit modern life style needs and pace, which incorporates patent pending technologies that makes vaporizing experiences more efficient than ever before. This device provides its users with an exceptional burning or vaporizing experience, in a well thought over, state of the art product.

Cloudious9’s CEO, Richard Huang said, “There are so many features missing and inconveniences in today’s vaporizers. We addressed some of the pressing issues while adding features never before explored by the vaporizer community in our Hydra 9 design. We’re confident this is the beginning of a series of innovations we can bring to this community.”

Hydra 9teaser video: Click Here

Hydra 9, first device with integrated water filtration that burns or vaporizes, incorporates unique features:

  • It comes in a portable, convenient size, easy to fill with water. It is completely anti-leak from top to bottom; it makes it possible to carry or ride a bike with it, or shake without worrying
  • 1 button and multiple temperature settings
  • Made of anti-rust space-craft grade aluminum alloy, borosilicate glass body and has a cutting edge water filtration system.
  • Removable air duct and anti-leak valve for ease of cleaning and maintenance
  • Borosilicate glass twist-on wide-mouth mouthpiece.
  • Interchangeable Vaporization and Burning attachment to easily switch between the 2 methods; easy to maintain and cost friendly to replace.
  • Two attachments for different purposes: *
    • 1) Vaporization:
      Large porcelain vaporization chamber attachment 1.5cm in diameter and 1.5cm deep. Patent pending built-in heat distribution mechanism.
    • 2) Burning: Burning attachment where the heat source is derived from a vertical heating element which allows heat to distribute more evenly from inside out, patent pending. It has dual-air dock during burning, to allow users to increase or decrease airflow intake.

*More attachments could be developed as future add-ons.

Pre-sale date has yet to be determined, but Cloudious9 encourages consumers to sign-up on to receive a notification of the pre-sale date and a pre-sale discount code.

About Cloudious9
Located in the heart of The Silicon Valley, Cloudious9 is an organization utilizing cutting-edge technology and world-class talent to produce exceptional products that promises to deliver the ultimate user experience. Our primary vision is to ensure every product designed is groundbreaking and to constantly maintain a culture where innovation is valued above all else.

** News and content distribution provided by

Galectin Therapeutics, Inc. Executive Chairman Jim Czirr to Be Interviewed on “The Big Biz Show”

Interview Airs October 6, 2015, Hosted by Bob “Sully” Sullivan, 3:00pm ET/ 12:00pm PT/ 2:00pm CT

NORCROSS, GA, Oct 6, 2015Galectin Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: GALT), the leading developer of therapeutics that target galectin proteins to treat fibrosis and cancer, announced today that Executive Chairman Jim Czirr will be interviewed on “The Big Biz Show” hosted by Bob “Sully” Sullivan. In this exclusive interview, Mr. Czirr will discuss Galectin Therapeutics’ progress developing a treatment for the silent epidemic Fatty Liver disease and advanced liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. Listeners will also hear about results that occurred in the most recent clinical trials.

Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Start Time: 3:00pm ET | 12:00pm PT | 2:00pm CT (U.S.)
Network: Syndicated: AFN, TiVo, CBS Radio, Fox Business, AOL, YouTube, Biz Talk Radio, Clear Channel
Show: The Big Biz Show
Host: Bob “Sully” Sullivan
TV Stream:

About The Big Biz Show
The Big Biz Show is a nationally syndicated radio / television program broadcast on 150 stations throughout the country with a weekly reach of 1.7 million listeners reaching over 70 million homes. The Emmy Award-winning show was named by TALKERS Magazine as one of the “Top 10 Most Influential Financial Shows” in the country, and is highly recognized for discussing current business events, internet related issues, and other hot topics in the business world, doing so in an informing, laid back, and humorous manner. Hosts, Bob “Sully” Sullivan and Russ “T Nailz” Stolnack, both are renowned and experienced radio broadcast personalities. The Big Biz Show airs Tuesday through Friday, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. PT.

About Jim Czirr
Jim Czirr is the Executive Chairman of Galectin Therapeutics, the leading developer of therapeutics that target galectin proteins to treat fibrosis and cancer. Mr. Czirr is a co-founder of 10X Fund, L.P. and is a managing member of 10X Capital Management LLC, the general partner of 10X Fund, L.P. Mr. Czirr was a co-founder of Galectin Therapeutics in July 2000. Mr. Czirr was instrumental in the early stage development of Safe Science Inc., a developer of anticancer drugs. He served from 2005 to 2008 as Chief Executive Officer of Minerva Biotechnologies Corporation, a developer of nano particle bio chips to determine the cause of solid tumors, and was a consultant to Metalline Mining Company Inc., now known as Silver Bull Resources, Inc., (OTCQB: SVBL), a mineral exploration company seeking to become a low cost producer of zinc. Mr. Czirr received a B.B.A. degree from the University of Michigan.

About Galectin Therapeutics, Inc.
Galectin Therapeutics (NASDAQ: GALT), is a biotechnology company focused on discovery and development. We apply our leadership in galectin science and drug development to create new therapies for fibrotic disease and cancer. Drug candidates based on our unique carbohydrate technology target galectin proteins, which are key mediators of biologic and pathologic function. Galectin Therapeutics is pursuing therapies for indications in which galectins have a demonstrated role in the pathogenesis of a particular disease. We focus on diseases with serious, life-threatening consequences to patients, and those where current treatment options are limited. Our strategy is to establish clinical development approaches that add value to the Company in the shortest time possible, and to seek partners as the program advances and requires much greater resources. Galectin Therapeutics leverages extensive scientific and development expertise as well as established relationships with outside sources to achieve cost effective and efficient development. We are pursuing a clear development pathway to clinical enhancement and commercialization for our lead compounds in liver fibrosis and cancer immunotherapy. To learn more about Galectin Therapeutics please visit us at

Intelomed, Inc. CEO Jill Schiaparelli to Guest Host National Talk Radio Show at MD&M Conference in Philadelphia — iHeart Radio’s HealthTechTalk

MD&M Philadelphia Conference October 7th & 8th, Sponsored by UBM Canon MedTech World

WEXFORD, PA, Oct 6, 2015 – InteloMed, Inc., a leading developer of non-invasive cardiovascular monitoring systems, announced today that CEO Jill Schiaparelli will guest host a special edition of HealthTechTalk Live Radio Show at the UBM MedTech World Medical Design and Manufacturing (MD&M) conference in Philadelphia on October 7th and 8th, 2015.

Live on location from MD&M Philadelphia, the four-state region’s largest medtech event, HealthTechTalk Live will interview some of the most high-profile, innovative industry and academic leaders presenting at the conference.

Serving a broad community of medtech professionals, MD&M Philadelphia delves into the latest challenges and opportunities that are impacting the industry. A multi-track conference program explores design innovations, 3D printing, new materials, packaging design and more.

About UBM Canon
UBM Canon is the leading B-to-B event producer, publisher, and digital media company for the world’s $3 trillion advanced, technology-based manufacturing industry. Our print and electronic products deliver trusted information to the advanced manufacturing market and leverage our proprietary 1.3 million name database to connect suppliers with buyers and purchase influencers. We produce more than 50 events and conferences in a dozen countries, connecting manufacturing professionals from around the globe. UBM Canon is part of UBM plc (UBM.L), a global provider of media and information services for professional B-to-B communities and markets.

About HealthTechTalk Live Radio Show
HealthTechTalk Live Show broadcasts live weekly on iHeart Radio / Clear Channel nationwide from 640 WGST AM Atlanta, 3:00pm – 4:00pm every Saturday. Guest host Jill Schiaparelli interviews the front-page emerging health tech innovators and titans about the latest in digital health technology, human ingenuity, bio-tech medical advancements and health tech capital market trends. Learn how the experts use risk management techniques and clinical trials to build fully diversified portfolios and what it takes to put up big board earnings from making people healthier. It’s a fast moving, high-energy show… shift your thinking and join us as we deliver “tomorrow’s ideas today” on iHeart Radio and Clear Channel’s HealthTechTalk Live,

About InteloMed
InteloMed is redefining the standard of care in intelligent cardiovascular monitoring in hospitals and health care facilities through its non-invasive CVInsight™ Platform. The CVInsight™ Platform provides real-time insights on the stress level of the cardiovascular system to inform clinical decisions which, as part of a well-managed care plan, may lead to earlier detection of cardiovascular decline, earlier intervention, decreased hospitalization and improved patient outcomes. The CVInsight™ Platform has functionality in hospital and outpatient settings and has clinical applications in multiple areas including hemodialysis, heart failure, and the surgical continuum. InteloMed is headquartered in Wexford, PA. For more information, visit us at

Safe Harbor Statement
Certain statements in this release are “forward-looking” and as such are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties. Actual results may vary significantly from the results expressed or implied in such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to materially differ from forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the need to obtain additional capital in order to grow our business, our ability to engage qualified employees, the acceptance of new products by doctors and hospitals, changes in the regulatory environment and healthcare legislation, the need to keep pace with technological changes, our dependence on third party manufacturers to produce components of our technology platform on time and to our specifications, and the successful implementation of our commercial strategies.

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