Gender Equality Starts with being involved – Update

Gender Equality 1-800-PublicRelations "1800pr"

Gender Equality Starts with being involved – Update

According to a Department of Labor Current Population Survey, only 34% of all web developers are women. It’s time to change those statistics. Entry level junior developers earn an average of $50,000-70,000 per year, and often have flexibility to work from home. We want women all over the world to take advantage of these industry benefits.

In an effort to get women interested in coding and empowered to pursue work they love, General Assembly is partnering with several organizations to host a night of coding and fellowship.

Let’s break down the barriers for women in tech — one line of code at a time. Take part in strengthening the female programming community with a night of web development and empowerment, where you can learn to write code and encourage others on their journey.

Join us on Wednesday, September 14 to hear a panel of top female developersdiscuss how they got started in the industry, what an average day looks like, which coding languages to learn, and more. Then, dive in and write your first line of code in the company of other aspiring new developers!


  • 6:30pm: Check-In & Networking
  • 6:50pm: Panel Discussion
  • 7:10pm: Q&A
  • 7:30pm: Coding Lesson
  • 8:30pm: Networking & Wrap-Up

1-800-PublicRelations is a proud supporter of gender equality and the SDGs

Matthew BIRD – President 1-800-PublicRelations, Inc.                                                                                                                (D) +1 (646) 248-7676(M) +1 (646) 401-4499 (E) (W)


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